feral computer club
Better sed now than never!A lovely little hackerspace in Naarm, online, offline and global.
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what we get up to
- this is a space to where we toy around with whatever. memory, models, games, your IOT tissuebox. everything is on the table for your paws to wonder.
- we encourage you to come as you are, we have icebreakers to ensure everyone feels part of the fun.
- we aren't to be held against any corporate models. ostenibly a act of love for computer and the old net, we rely on love and support from others. please email us to contribute ideas!
no, you dont have to be 'programming'
- but you cant wear a suit (unless its a fursuit)
- we are here to foster people in tech, not to create profit or business
- we are for the web, for you, and over web3 and crypto. personal, cozy web forever.