Better sed now than never!A lovely little hackerspace in Naarm, online, offline and global.
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we are a small group looking to organise those looking for a space to love technology without the perogative of ruining the world.- our aim of taking no sponsorships and our branding is to be apart from the tech culture of clean corporate branding.
- we want to inspire people to be in a group with folks of other disciplines, inspiring each other to think outside of using big tech frameworks.
- get inspired by the small web and diy culture, contribute to culture. lets create new things!
- the aim isn't to be furry but to signpost that if you feel isolated or on the fringes of technology, this is a space for you to come and help us make a new space together in tech!!!
code of conduct
- we use the template of for our club. please have a read.
- in short, we use the recurse social rules as a yardstick, meaning:
- no well-actually nonsense, this isn't hackernews
- no feigned surprise, be able to communicate your expertise with friendly intent!
- no backseat driving, asking for consent
- no subtle -isms, we aim to keep this an exciting space away from reactionary internet jokesters!!
- we do not tolerate harrassment against gender, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, race, religion and do not permit sexual imagery or discussion in public spaces.
- deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harrassment, recording and inappropriate physical contact will get you out of here. do not threaten anyone physically or verbally.