Better sed now than never!A lovely little hackerspace in Naarm, online, offline and global.
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next event
27-March-2025 07:00 PM AEST, Mokum
upcoming events
join our mailing list for a updates in your inbox!
Event | Date and Time | Location |
IRL Meet | 27-March-2025 07:00 PM AEST | Mokum |
IRL Meet | 24-April-2025 07:00 PM AEST | Mokum |
IRL Meet | 29-May-2025 07:00 PM AEST | Mokum |
event types, community
hang out, get a bite and get hacking away on the computer! Bring your laptop or sketchbook and get into your projects with a fun, supportive vibe. - GAME/MOVIE MEET:
tipple and snack and bring a emulator or console for everyone to play along with. please send movie suggestions (yes it can be hackers) - DISCORD:
post your projects, study or ask questions on our discord (coming soon).